
I’s right there in the title.  :)

Congrats to a bunch of NYU a$$-hats for making two impossible things happen:

I don’t know what to think about him, but I’m not currently planning to vote for him in the primaries. I’m open to changing my mind, but he doesn’t grab me. He also annoys the HELL outta me with the constant fundraising texts. I was glad they went away, though sad it was because he lost, in 2018 and NOW THEY’RE BACK.

Haha...I meant to write BRAIN washed, but I like Brand Washed so it stays!

Yes, it’s bad to get asked silly, sexist questions. BUT let’s not forget she perpetuates sexist stereotypes all on her own too.

It’s bad enough to just assume the man is the politician (then again, that’s how GOP tends to work), but that she struggled to understand after being told is just baffling. They try to sell her as smart but clearly she is as brand-washed as any woman who supports the GOP.

I find some mustards are more vinegary than others, so the taste of the dressing varies widely, even when I’m always using dijon.  I find 365 brand to be SUPER acidic.  

If it’s currency from a place you’re likely to visit again, keep it! My family has a family kitty of GBP and EUR that who ever is traveling takes with them and replaces upon return. When you land, jet-lagged, in a foreign land, it’s great to have some cash on you- for a taxi or a coffee or whatever. You can get to

I listened to this on NPR this morning. Made me think of my grandpa, who is a RABID lefty and a WWII vet. We would sometimes fight because some of us in the family weren’t lefty enough for him (he was also kind of an ass). He passed around Christmas last year. I was sorry this was the last POTUS he knew.

If you already have a roth, you don’t really need two (though someone more savvy than I may disagree). If you leave, you don’t “abandon” your account, you roll it over to something individual. I had a 403B through work I rolled over into a traditional IRA with Fidelity when I left that job. I don’t do anything with

If you live near an Alamo, they’re having a showing 3/11. It was planned before his stroke, but it has special resonance now.

I was told you always want a Roth (meaning you contribute post tax dollars) IRA, because you should expect to pay a lower tax rate now than you will later in life, so tax-deferred is more likely to ultimately cost more in tax $$.  Max out any match you get through work, then get a Roth for the rest.

My mom wouldn’t let me watch 90210, so he will always be Pike from the original Buffy.

anthropomorphic bran muffin

Not body shaming because I will NEVER look like either of them and both are GORGEOUS and strong as hell, but it feels a little off to proclaim “Kailey’s killer abs!” immediately below J-Lo’s frigging 6 pack. DEAR GOD- how did that woman find 10lbs to lose?

It depends. It depends how TX manages and enforces that stuff. Also depends how power hungry they are.

Because TEXAS.  

If it doesn’t count I’m not doing it.  That was easy.  :)

I’ve already checked, since I had some issues with one of my former employers.  Going forward, I’m going to get the documented number of payments.  I also save my confirmation emails in gmail, so I at least have that.