As a bonus: Human BBQ! Delicious!
As a bonus: Human BBQ! Delicious!
What better way to warm a battery than with a small fuel efficient internal combustion engine?
You suck at economics but excel at straw grasping.
I know two people that have had Stelvios for a few years. Neither has reported anything more troublesome than an issue with a dome light or a bad TPMS.
I now own a Mk1 audi TT which behaves exactly like your ‘71 Alfa did.
Missed opportunity for a vinyl roof option on the Mk1 M3.
Imagine the tubes where dirty gases are expelled from getting dirty. The humanity! Now what can they do about the tires?
This chart is not completely accurate. I grew up in the US hearing my three mechanic cousins interchanging many of these terms. Some of the ones you claim to be ‘merican I’ve never heard here like recap instead of retread and barrel instead of choke
Possibly the most redneck vehicle ever built.
You really don’t understand how global warming affects weather patterns. Luckily for you, there are real scientistis that will explain it to you via the internet and old timey books
Meh, we’ve have two FCA cars for years. No major issues and way more reliable than the BMW X3 we had for a while.
Found the Chevy guy!
Does it come stocked with barley legal hookers and a glovebox stuffed w cocaine? Cuz that’s the only way I see this being worth more than $10k.
I want light gray tires.
If you look through the cladding and weird paint breaks designed to confuse viewers, you can see it’s very close to the concept.
I miss friendly faces on cars.
Yeah it feels like a Daewoo from 2000, but the doors did shut with a satisfyingly hefty clunk.
Utterly stupefyingly idiotic, and the yacht looks like it was designed by the same people that brought us the Tesla Cybertruck. I’m an older millenial and I am overwhelmingly baffled by this.
God knows that’s becoming more and more rare nowadays.
No allegiance, don’t even own one or have owned one. Just hate to see good names besmirched unjustly.
Car reliability ratings are the new “My dad can beat up your dad” brags.