I typically downshift from 6th to 1st, no issues. Just gotta let out the clutch slowly.
Why even try to land without a visual reference? Seems amateur to me. Also 6 ft. sounds too extreme, not sure I believe this considering their instruments were jacked up.
Why not just lower the water?
I always thought the HOV lane was only for Jay-Z.
If you’re not speeding, then you must be distracted on your phone.
The driver of the Highlander had explosive diarrhea so he had to run.
why did he do that?
Should wealthy people share their money with the poor?
WE can’t do anything until the government does something.
Looks pretty awesome to me. If you have the means to spend AMG G-Wagon money but need a larger vehicle, this is a perfect compromise.
Sounds like the government was mad they didn’t get a cut of the business.
After traveling for the last year, there’s no amount of money you could pay me to deal with asshole passengers.
Are they being forced to work there? Why can’t they leave and find new jobs with higher salaries?
Doesn’t matter how quiet stock exhausts are, most people will upgrade to something louder. My STI was way too quiet, I couldn’t hear the car when the radio was on, now you can hear me coming a mile away.
In the U.K. this might be dangerous, but in the U.S., this is pretty common.
We need to stop allowing global warming from defining our lives.
People can do whatever they want with their own property. Why do you care?
So, there was no speed limit, but the government got mad because someone obeyed the no speed limit law?
Pro-active patrols? Sounds like what the cops in the U.S. do to minorities. As NWA says, “Fuck the Police!”