
Its hideousness knows no boundaries.

Every car should be a manual. If you don’t want to learn, you don’t drive.

This should have never even ended up in court. Two guys traded insults.


Is there a link to the site?

So, call MINI and find out. Stop bitching on here.

So, call MINI and find out. Stop bitching on here.

Kudos to the captains.

Why not just put a large sign or post?

How did this person end up on the tracks?

Looks pretty amazing, can’t wait to watch it. I’d love to try this some day, too.

Seems pretty straightforward.

They should design them to dissolve.

Regarding the lease question - ask the dealer to see what options you have.

Price is only a number designed for specific people.

Why not let the homeless population use them? Better than sleeping on the sidewalks.

Maybe just use a UPS truck, or one similar.

I don’t really care about the text messages. My texts aren’t great either, but I also didn’t kill someone.
