
This is what happens when you give into social media peer pressure.

Police officers don’t know shit.

Joyful Noise’ is a complete rip off of ‘This is why I’m hot’


Plenty of violent people violate their probation and are free. This isn’t really a news story, and what does the guy’s nephew have to do with this?

If you attack someone, you will be charged. #A$APROCKY

You could blame the child.

We need more of this.

I would just drive right through the cones.

If this helps stop all the corruption, extortion, sex trafficking, money laundering, poverty, etc., I’m all for it.

You should rally that Durango.

The guy was under the influence. Look at the way he stumbled out of the car.

How do we know it’s fake?

Ferrari and Lambo are cry babies

St Louis police have license plates that say ‘POLICE’? Do all their vehicles have that?

Ohio ... no need to say more.

Looks like they ran over the demogorgon.


Why did he do it?