Why film vertically?
Why film vertically?
Movies don’t need to get it right. It isn’t reality, it’s for entertainment.
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Get a MINI.
Why doesn’t the city hire a police officer to sit in a squad car just before the bridge. People always slow down and pay attention when they spot 5-0.
This is amazing.
Exceptional paint work, no curb rash, low miles, one-of-a-kind body kit. Not my cup of tea, but this car fits in well for the Florida demographic and someone will end up getting a good deal.
Does autopilot work in snow?
Not impressed.
Only you can prevent forest fires.
This was his plan. He has a plan for everyone.
I want to be mad that I read this and learned nothing, but I also write for a living and rely on clicks.
Which God?
What happens when someone takes the other parking spot and you have no where to move to?
Just get a motorcycle. Worked well for me.
8-min video, but nothing happens until 7:40.
30 is when you need to get more aggressive, not tone it down.
There isn’t just one. It’s all of us who are afraid to drive with each other.
This is why I don’t stop to help people.
There’s plenty of loopholes, you just gotta find them.