Shifting Lanes


Rate of speed


In yo butt


The interest- or investment-plus you would earn on 36,000 is stupendously low and market timing anything short of one year is just gambling. Why not buy it outright if you have the funds? Way less risk involved.

Clearly didn’t correct for that massive understeer at 5mph. Not Kimi. Does not know what they’re doing.

I feel like the product placement is trolling Joe and his lack of hair with epic hair.

Strangely, NFS takes it for graphics.

Who else read clittoral?

I’m just going to leave this right here...

Case closed

Great read. Well done.

Thanks internet warrior! I’ve seen the error of my ways!

No sir, you are a fucking idiot believing that calling people out will make them change. Yes, we should always call out assholes like this for being total pricks, but to think that this won’t happen again to someone somewhere is just pure ignorance and stupidity. Those girls that stepped on the Miata said they’re

Would rather they jump on a wrap that has a much higher toldlerance for damage than them jumping on the paint job which is much more malleable. Plus, then you don’t have to repaint and clear coat before resale.

This seems like a not serious question, but I’ll bite. Certain wraps are extremely well done and can be very good for a car’s resale value. Meaning, you buy a highly sought after color (white or black these days), you wrap it to a color you like, then when you sell you take it off and you have a pristine paint job for

Also a fair point. I would still PPF my car either way. At least a dent can be popped out with a fairly simple process to make it look like it wasn’t there at all. A repaint is much more expensive.