
Its a time suck for sure, I have put some serious time into it and I am just 20% complete. But I Enjoy that, I hate how fast some games are blown through. If you are even remotely a MGS Fan you will really enjoy this.

Metal Gear Solid V, I know I am late to the party but the game is amazing and has to be hands down the best Metal Gear I have ever played and yet it seems that I hear so little about it. It was worth every penny.

Wow weird timing, literally just watched this episode for the first time last night. I figured I needed to find out all the hype behind One Piece.

I am SOO glad when I scrolled to the comments I saw this, All I could think of after seeing that picture was , why do they all have the exact same horrible bowl haircut. I could think of anything else, its nice to know I am not the only one

I really hope this game is as rewarding to play on the xbox as it is the PC because Im still working on saving for my PC.

I agree with you 200%. He is a talent that I think just needs the right director and movie to see Huge success

Have you ever played EverQuest? Huge MMO Maps with no mini maps or directions, The zones after the beginng areas no longer had roads, you had to memorize complex routes to get to where you were going. There were no quest pointers ,no highlighted spots . You felt like you were thrusted in this environment and told to