
Fuck him. He’s wrong. Soft G is stupid. He has been outvoted. That’s how language works. The first caveman able to speak might have pointed to a rock and said “unga!” but if the rest of his clan pointed to the rock and said “bunga!” guess what, rocks are bunga now. The easiest way to annoy someone of Czech heritage is

Wilhite is wrong if you take the t off the word gift it doesn't change how you pronounce the first 3 letters together. 

It’s not often that the creator of something is wrong about his own creation.

Wanna see an SNL article not about Pete or the news anchor guys someday, all just “Cecily Strong shows up to work regularly, does good job, does not look like a candy cane with a bunch of tattoos on it.”

Rein in.

This is a commercial that requires an actor to portray such a bizarre, intense attachment to an exercise bike that she obsessively records and each and every workout and excitedly forces her husband to sit down and watch the videos with her later. Those are such unrecognizably human actions that I’m not sure any actor

Nick at Night was a great pop cultural primer.

I do have great insurance through my job. I want everyone else to have great healthcare coverage, too. 

Yeah, seriously. The fact that this kind of shit qualifies a person for a show on Discovery/Science is yet another indication of how fucking far our society has fallen. Sympathies to the dipshit’s friends and families and anyone who’s actually suffering because of this, but fuck an attention-seeking, science-denying

probably most known for his turn as host of The Dick Van Dyke Show”

...died on Saturday in a tragic accident.

Mad Mike is gone but the Earth is still a-round...

I’ll see myself out

So is he now the flattest flat Earther?

Maybe Hollywood really is a bunch of slightly tweaked clones with different hairstyles. Except for the anthropomorphic animals, of course.

I fully support any efforts to push 3rd from the sun footage. 

They laid all of them off.

Yeah, it’s amazing how some very vocal people can’t stand being challenged, or having their own ignorance or blind spots pointed out, now isn’t it?  Yet another spot on GIF from you that certainly illustrates the attitude of a certain type of online commenter?  How do you always manage to find just the right GIFs,

Oh grow the fuck up Activision. If you want stuff to not leak, get better security. 

“I don’t care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president,”