There used to be a lesbian club in NYC called The G-Spot. Their motto was “If you can find it, you can come.”
There used to be a lesbian club in NYC called The G-Spot. Their motto was “If you can find it, you can come.”
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I drove a Geo Storm in high school. That is certainly not an experience I want to re-live.
Why do you doubt her? She’s 17, not 7. I was a freshman in college at 17 and wrote very well. Don’t sell her short because she is young and not American.
I’m blown away by this young woman. I really doubt I would have been so eloquent and steadfast in defending my rights (and by extension all womens’ rights) at her age. Thank you, Jane Doe!
“Apparently”? Racists get downright indignant when you call out their racism.
Jayde Pierce appears unaware of the irony when she writes: “People feel like they can tell you how to live your life. It’s very frustrating.” The woman is called an influencer for crissakes and she complains about people telling her how to live her life!? Wotta maroon!
I’m also sure nothing substantial will happen to them in the future either
I reasonably convinced that at this point Trump could tweet out “Everyone who voted for me is a fucking moron” followed by “There is no god and religious people are retards” followed by “I’m going to ban owning guns and you can’t stop me” followed by “ha ha I’m fucking you all so hard and you still love me you…
the witcher 3 is not trash.
I wanna see a kangaroo punch this guy’s dick off.
They know what they signed up for.
Nowadays, all my punchlines end with the word “Brazzers.”
I can’t get enough of sharing the totally scientific poll I conducted over the weekend.
Not Google
Who would have ever guessed a crap looking pair of novelty glasses wouldn’t be a lasting market?
1. This was a great idea: talk about something topical but still meaty, in a personal yet relevant way. Good concept!
I suggest we quarantine stupid people from public office.
Listen to this man! He’s been over there fighting the good fight this entire time...oh, he’s been sitting in his underwear complaining on the internet?
Thank you for taking me seriously. I already emailed the ACLU Mississipi branch. I am newish here and know no one, so this adventure in the south is a clusterfuck