
Article That Gita Wrote Simply to Remind Everyone She Has a Boyfriend #218376

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.

Yep.  Fuck PETA.  Fuck them up their stupid asses.

I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it.

Just order the Ike & Tina Tuna and shut the fuck up.

This guy knows what’s up.

I don’t give a shit. Just let me know when Eastwood is dead.

Fucking LOL

Yeah, parent of two young kids here, agreeing with you.

I honestly shudder to think what an even more casual Waffle House would look like.

What the motherfuck is a quibi?

Just joining the chorus in condemning the worthless dogshit questions you’ve been fielding the past few installments.

“any1 who dont like Peloton™ is a totall pedo guy *laughing-crying emoji*

He seems to be a “love him or hate him” kinda guy, but Dr. Karp knows his shit.  The wife and I have used many of his techniques with our kiddos to great effect.

I legit offered to be a stay-at-home dad (my wife makes almost double what I do) but even with her salary, we’d be struggling to stay above water with only one income. So, we both work and pay the equivalent of 2.5 extra mortgages a month for daycare.

My employer offered jack, fuck, and shit.

“This isn’t a huge deal; guys usually pay for dates, and it’s probably habit to just give the bill to the guy.”

Same!  Except I’m up at 3:15 every morning to take a piss and then attempt to get another hour of sleep.

I literally (not how internet kids use this term) L I T E R A L L Y have gotten to sleep in ‘til 7:00 AM maybe five times in the last 4+ years, and those fives times were all during one vacation the wife and I took last year without the kiddos.