I love Howl's Moving Castle so much.
I love Howl's Moving Castle so much.
This might explain why i stay away from Twitter..
Pretty gosh darn sure that Loveless is not a yaoi since there's no sex in it....
This might be the worst lunchbox I have seen....
Yeah, while I don't play Minecraft and therefore don't care about this... Some of those tweets are obviously misleading just to get attention.
If I thought they were going with the classic Justice League line-up then I would be fine with just WW. But we know that ain't where they're going, so if they don't get at least one other female in this movie, I'd be amazed and disappointed. Which is DC's normal operating procedures lately... so yeah... WW is on her…
This show was amazing. I was super happy that I fell across it one night while browsing through Crunchyroll. Watched all the available episodes immediately.
I am just gonna say that what happened in this movie could not have changed the age of characters, so the last movie not happening doesn't change the age Jean Grey would havve been, even if that scene of them meeting her didn't happen.
Yes. And not to mention I think he'd have to (or whomever takes over being director of these movies) establish more of a team before they get into the Age of Apocalypse. The big thing about that entire storyline was that it was amazing to see characters we knew so well so completely changed. It would kinda lose it's…
I would love to see an actual like timeline for this all cause it's gona make my head hurt thinking about this... cause Wolverine had the white in his hair, so it was after the original x-x3 timeline, but everyone else looked about the same age... so Cyclops and Jean in the 80s would be.... teenagers? But then they…
The only problem I have with this, is that it's gonna be McAvoy and Fassbender playing the characters in the next one, from what I've read, which means we don't get to have Cyclops and Jean Grey around... and having Cable without them in the movie would make me sad. There's some great emotional stuff to be had with…
Ignoring the second part of this post... cause I think everyone else already has chimed in...
I think I might love you a little for this.
I liked it, though I think it would have been better with just the peeking George and Obi-Wan
Oh GTO, I miss you.
All these anime songs have firmly entrenched me in a never ending youtube journey through all my favourite anime songs...
You think the Japanese TV show was bad, I present to you "Saban Moon"
Okay... so I can't dislike Megan Fox completely because she liked Sailor Moon. That makes her at least slightly alright in my books.
I give this guy credit for at least owning up to his mistakes and trying to make amends. Plenty of these projects go under with no word from the people at all about what is going on.