
Personally the Newb is the one that annoys me the most. I just hate being distracted from something I love to watch. They sometimes annoyingly combine with the Nitpicker too.

The use of a broom for Guile is awesome.

Oh the FemShep fans can be annoying.

I find this interesting cause I always thought Mark Meer sounded very monotone but never got that from Jennifer Hale.

Here here!


So my only exposure to this song has been that Beats audio commercial...

IF they made it well and made it about the gameplay instead of just "Hey look it's Firefly!" then yeah.... Visiting other planets and trying to make money, all while having to fight the alliance at times or the reavers, or other smugglers. I think it could be interesting... I think the fan base is big enough to

While, yes technically a Star Wars world would be cool, that's can't be the first choice for Disney. I'd expect them to plug the Pixar movies as much as they can, and I'd expect Marvel before I'd expect Star Wars. This is a GREAT time though for SE to be making the KH 3 game due to so many cool possibilities. It just

As a lifelong Disney fan you're certainly in a good position to like the games. It helps to like Final Fantasy games as well, but not necessary.

Of COURSE they had a Nightmare before Christmas level? That movie is like an obsession of hundreds of thousands of teenagers who think they're goth. I love the movie, but its crazy levels with all the merchandise and everything. Remember that hard rock reimaginings album with like Marilyn Manson and Evanescence? Yeah

Fraction might have stated that there will never be a romantic connection, but they had made it seem before that Kate has feelings for Clint. Not a connection, but I think that'll get addressed someday. I'm happy though that they won't make them a couple, since they work far better as mentor and student, or friends.

Saga is fabulous and great, and its only on hiatus til august. They always take a few months off after every six issues, or at least have twice now. It's great because it keeps them fresh and means I get to see my beloved Fiona Staples stay on the book, rather then having to take time off and having someone I might

I don't really care too much to play Phantasy Star Online 2... but I see the name Phantasy Star and I immediately flashback to my favourite RPG as a child, Phantasy Star IV. I played that game all the way through like 5 times. I'm a little saddened that I don't have as much patience as I used to for the older games,

Damn... I don't think I've ever ran so fast from one room of the house to another...

Okay so maybe this is the time to ask this.

I'm amused by this, because I assumed you posted the link for IGN as a gamer site, but the banner when I clicked on it was for an IGN recap of Game of Thrones. :)

Good rule to have. I remember back when i bought CDs, before itunes and all that, I wouldn't buy a CD unless there were at least three songs I loved. A lot of bands would trick you with one great single, and the rest would be trash. I am so thankful for mp3s now.

Mostly true. Though there are franchises that are so beloved that people are constantly waiting for the new game and don't forget even though it's been years. Kingdom Hearts and Team Ico games come to mind here.

Thank you for confirming that. I was looking all over the internet after seeing that clip of the game on Monday. I knew it sounded like him!