You missed out. There was a red BII with the red interior and Outlaw IIs, factory brushguard and all that jazz and a stick a few months ago. Thing had less than 50k on it.
You missed out. There was a red BII with the red interior and Outlaw IIs, factory brushguard and all that jazz and a stick a few months ago. Thing had less than 50k on it.
New Vector. Calling it now
Ah, the 2011 Mediocrity.
Not that guy but my 74 is 304/T15 and a helluva vacuum leak according to the guy I met who shoved a 440 in a 50s bathtub Nash convertible.
Blasting Firehouse made this incredible.
I loved your collab on Star Wars.
The 86 is a design failure. Classic proportions to blow everyone out of the water and a nice low engine...
Should have used Deimperial system.
That’s awesome
I’ll ignore the irony I’m walking into just to point out STOP COPYING ME OR I’LL TELL MOM
V8 Aurora or bust
I’m trying to but you keep replying. Attachment issues?
I’m not saying I won, I’m saying you forfeited for immaturity.
I never conceded or cried. I only pointed out that you lost by giving up your argument and stooping to middle school levels by calling names. Nobody has EVER won an argument by calling someone a coward or a dipshit. That only starts fights.