I don’t know about you, but I consider an argument lost once the insult thesaurus comes out. This was fun, we should do it again some time.
I don’t know about you, but I consider an argument lost once the insult thesaurus comes out. This was fun, we should do it again some time.
Then sidewalks and such don’t belong to people. No double standards.
Well for one, I only check once daily.
Coward? Meanyface.
The words you used are so big you didn’t even understand them yourself, impressive.
Ya know, people only resort to that question when they’re doubling down after they lost an argument.
Jaywalking occurs when a pedestrian crosses a roadway where regulations do not permit doing so. Examples include a pedestrian crossing between intersections without yielding to drivers
The house behind it was repainted the same color as the car. The driveway was angled so the thing was usually ass up, and in juuust rough enough condition not to feel bad about it sitting.
That looks like Sycamore and E. LA in Simi
No, I don’t run them over because their parents told them not to play in the street and they listened.
I am so sorry
There used to be a beige one with Fuchs sitting for yeaaaars near me. Disappeared like 5 years ago though, along with the yellow ‘69 Camaro that had been sitting in a driveway for at least since I was in kindergarten. Sucks too because it left riiight as I got my license and I had said back in 1st grade or so that I…
Can I get the top photo without the First Drive? New wallpaper season.
Love the username
I ain’t defending the guy in the Challenger, that shit’s just wrong. He had to turn down that side road on purpose and punch it to do that. What we’re talking about is a mass of people stepping out into the middle of an active street.
In the middle of the road, yes. Laws say cars on road people on sidewalks for a reason. Jaystanding isn’t cool.
That’s not even remotely close. It’s more like stepping into the line of fire and getting mad you’re hit by a bullet.
It’s a Hyundai once the badges are covered.
Good roads in there