How loose is your head?
How loose is your head?
Except that having that in the first paragraph shows precisely where their PR machine is in full force, instead of just mourning the loss of a human being.
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!
Who else has/had the “If we aren’t married by age 40 we’ll marry each other” friend? This seems a better way to go...
White privilege
In the grand scheme of corporate and government waste this is a mite in a drop in a bucket and just doesn’t raise my hackles at all
I’m thinking Joanne ate some of those mushrooms she was collecting and was just wandering around aimlessly for 12 hours tripping her balls off.
You expect her to shit in the same toilet every day like some kind of fucking peasant? Queen Bey needs many thrones.
Jesus tapdancing christ, it isn’t already illegal to purchase a gun if you’re on the motherfucking terror watch list?
Do you mean a weird hill for the GOP to die on, or a weird thing for the Dems to focus on? Because I’m pretty sure the Dems are focusing on it because 1) directly applicable to Orlando, and 2) easy sell to 95% of voters. The GOP/NRA oppose it because joining the KKK or browsing Stormfront could probably get most of…
I came for the snark but stayed for the feels.
Well shucks, guess we can’t make fun of Adam Levine today. Good for you bruh!
You know, if the Founding Fathers had thought out the consequences of the Second Amendment, then Alexander Hamilton might still be alive today.
I thought by the time I was ready to have children they’d have beaten this thing and we’d be brave new worlding babies in a lab. But now I’m 30.
I don’t know latin so I’m just going to assume that chest tattoo translates into “No Ragrets.”
Oh I know it does nothing to stop the urge. That’s why I threw the loss of fingers in there. But yeah, I’m not a violent person and definitely have my reservations about how we handle the death penalty here...but in this case, fucker needs to die and I would never apologize for feeling that way.
I read somewhere else that as part of pleading guilty to these crimes he wanted to see the evidence against him. That’s right—he was able to see the pictures and videos one last time before he accepted any deal.
raping and sexually abusing almost 24 children between the ages of six months and 12 years.
A big thank you to the investigators who had to sort through the “evidence” to get this monster locked up.