
This isn’t exactly Bert Williams here. This is not somebody playing up stereotypes at the expense of an entire race for the amusement of white people. Don’t even try to trivialize the disgusting vileness of blackface by suggesting a woman of color using makeup the way plenty of actors from all parts of the world use

Artistic interpretation of magnolia = Star of David that’s been eating too many kreplach?


It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

I thought it was a “she won’t actually be there after he announced her name” ...I was honestly shocked she walked out

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!

The album that defined my high school years. Garbage, Radiohead’s (arguably) best song ever, Everclear during their brief moment of excellence, Cardigans, Butthole Surfers... Teenage dreams, kids.

Which pair?

Ok. So Kayne is a musical genius some say.


Chris Christie absolutely wrecked that little shit and I for one could not be happier about it. I hold no high opinions of the NJ governor, but I am sympathetic to his clear “How am I behind these fucking fuckers” angst, and I love the fact that he seems to have destroyed Rubio’s campaign just because he could.

Yay Bernie! I have to admit, I’m pretty excited to see a non-Christian doing so well. As a secular person, I get very tired of presidential candidates having to pass some kind of “churchiness” test.

Hey Kanye ^^^

Kanye West doesn’t care about women people.

1) self-explanatory

“Keep over low flame, season to taste.”

“...I’d embarrass her if I said her name, she’s incredibly famous.”

So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?

Great suggestion, Kylie! You guys, wouldn’t it be great to receive some PureLeef butt and boobie enhancement cream as a gift this Valentine’s Day? That would be not weird at all and would surely lead to a harmonious evening.