
During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”

Will this never cease to be the truth??

Congrats to Rita Ora!

i sure hope he learns her name before the wedding.

So I’m in on the joke enough to know it’s okay that I don’t know these two, but what I’m not sure about is if they’re the same people I didn’t know before, or different ones? I can’t really tell?

I was thinking the fact that he had sex in undergrad was the outrageous sex rumor.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

I wonder if it is drama...all the “blind” items and Hollywood gossip I have read suggests that Halle Berry is (as her messy personal life may suggest) somewhat high strung and high maintenance, whereas the stuff I have read about Sandra Bullock is that she is very pleasant to work with. Of course, it is still some

Dammit, I came here hoping for a Mariah Carey-esque tour rider. Bernie doesn’t like busy patterns. He also wants 20 white kittens and 100 white doves to be released when he goes on stage for the debate.

So, basically, it’s like everytime you try to have a faculty meeting. Everyone is never free on the same night.

I mean she’s right. I COULD buy something off her website for $8 and stop complaining. I just don't know what I'm going to do with a vial containing a single tear of a sad Lithuanian fruit vendor. But again, will admit when I'm wrong! It's very affordable AND from europe. Tres Chic.

C’mon guys, cut her some slack. Do you know how much traveling you have to do to find enough dalmatians to make into a coat?

I read a tweet once that said “vaping is a fedora for your mouth,” and I’ve always thought that Leo DiCaprio was the human version of a fedora, so by transitive property... was he smoking himself?

i’m sure we’ll get more in depth analysis later. Dirt Bag is a scheduled column so it’s not a big deal it was posted when it normally is.

A little tiny bit of brutality, in the grand scheme of things really is not that big of a deal, but you guys will appreciate it because you’re from Iowa!

I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then

the comedy Gods wouldn’t allow it


Get ready for a week long conversation about What Your Kids Are Doing On The Internet. I bet Chris Hansen’s media schedule is booked until next Tuesday.