
I don’t know how to use makeup like at all. My mother didn’t wear any and my sister was 5 years older and wanted nothing to do with me. So I never learned any basic skills other than how to put on lipstick. When I started trying to figure it out in high school after being a tomboy all through middle school my family

Austin is done. Y’all have ruined it. None of us can afford to live in the city we’ve created because you’ve all moved here. RIP Austin. 1839-2001

Your individual profiles won’t combine or anything. Just that when you apply for credit jointly both your credit histories will affect the terms of your loan. If one of you defaults on a loan you have jointly, then it will affect both your reports and scores accordingly.

This is a great question ( and I reply only to know the answer from others)

Both (judge me).

Now playing

Track: Heroes | Artist: David Bowie | Album: Heroes

San Antonio: VIA Bus(local bus company name) from Alamodome Christmas 2005(?) New Orleans Saints v Detroit(?). When Saints were temporary the San Antonio Saints because Tom Benson is a resident. You park off site and VIA takes you to the Dome.

Full bus after game, girl sitting on top of guy at almost back of bus.

"I'd rather someone get strong as **** squatting a quarter inch above parallel than squat ass to grass but never put a damn weight on the bar." Dem's fightin words! ;) I love it.