
You nailed it. Not to mention knitting is a valuable skill practiced for centuries and represents self-reliance in an overly capitalist society- but because its primarily done by women, that automatically makes it “frivolous”.

Dont do it if you don’t want to but don’t be a buzzkill. Bread and roses, bread and roses.

It seems to me that the notion that female-coded things are infantilizing and not to be taken seriously is itself steeped in patriarchal ideals.

This might make me a petty, awful person, but I am also happy that turning cute knitted cat-eared hats into a women’s rights symbol is bound to upset some of the women who voted for Trump. A while ago I learned some fundamentalist Christians were upset that the LGBTQ community had “stolen” the rainbow and so those

I Fucking love to knit. I had not heard of the pussy hat project though.