We’ve grown wise to how stores try to trick you into paying more by using shady pricing psychology tricks. If we…
We’ve grown wise to how stores try to trick you into paying more by using shady pricing psychology tricks. If we…
Since men are well known for sticking their penis in any available inanimate object, I’m proud to see this important step toward gender equality.
Try explaining an 8 year gap on your resume caused by raising the child you birthed out the vagine. I’m convinced that I’d have an easier time finding work as a paroled felon. Advanced degrees and an awesome resume? Too bad you shat out a bebe, honey. You’ll never work in this town again!
All of their columnists can go eat a bag of
Legal Jezzies should a judge immediately recuse themselves when a case involves the company their SO works for? It seems sketchy AF that this judge heard a case involving Sony...
The judge who threw out Kesha’s abuse claims against her longtime producer at Sony, Lukasz “Dr. Luke” Gottwald, in…
Contrary to the idea that hypnosis is either a complete hoax or a magical state of mind where people can make you do…
Coated in liquid gold you say?
Very well said. I love that line about who installed the buttons.
There's a saying, "your mother knows how to push your buttons because she installed them." Not only did the younger Edie learn to accept abnormal behavior and thoughts as normal from her mother modeling them as normal, she went through years of subtle and not-so-subtle Pavlovian-like training to react to things no one…
How DAREST THOU hyperlink in the fashion common to Gawker Media, Madeleine. HOW DAREST THOU. A man died. You have to explicitly spell that out in your thoughtful essay on this woman who never fully got her own time of day. FOR SHAMMMMME. SHAMEBURGER
Anywho, I thought this was a beautiful piece. Great job.
Yes but I think the point was that Big Edie was exceptionally manipulative and aimed her manipulation squarely at Little Edie, who was far from perfect but was never really given a chance. Big Edie knew exactly which buttons to push.
I am distantly related to these people, though through the line without money or influence, but through the line that carries these particular mental disorders. I barely just escaped being "Little Edie'd" by my mother, and she still managed to steal a good part of my life. The documentary is more like a horror film…
Yeah, I'm figuring that out slightly too late.
I always had the impression that it was more of a double ended thing. Almost like Little Edie wanted her mother to keep her home, because that gave her an excuse for not achieving wild success. I've kind of had similar experience. I've always had "amazing potential" but have never been motivated to do anything…
They were both mentally ill. That's why Big Edie got disinherited and no one objected when she coerced Little Edie to be her caretaker. They were embarrassing to their richy-rich family.
She clearly loved talking with people and, based on her enduring relationship with Grey Gardens filmmakers Albert and David Maysles, was a highly likable (albeit very overwhelming and S-T-A-U-N-C-H) woman.
In all honestly, there's only a slim chance that Little Edie would have turned out successful, happy and emotionally healthy had her mother not insisted that she come home or sent Eugene Tyszkiewicz away.
Watching Little Edie circle round the revelation in the documentary Greg Gardens, I was struck by the thought that we all secretly long for self-awareness. If our lives are a puzzle that we must solve, sometimes (if we suspect that the finished image will be an ugly one) it's easier to let it go unsolved. If the…