
But you'd be wrong to do so. How could a black woman that grows up living in a middle/upper class household in a white neighborhood and has all white friends friends have the same exact perception of "black culture/blackness" as a black woman that grows up in a poorer black neighborhood? It isn't possible.

No, not automatically. There are many black people that don't grow up in the atypical "black cultural" areas. And there are plenty of white people that do. So, no, you're incorrect to automatically assume that a black person immediately has a better perspective on the inner-workings of black culture.

Why would a black person of either gender be automatically expected to be an expert on it either?

All he's saying is that you take the most educated opinion, not just a persons opinion based off of skin color.

This is a dumb hypothetical. In this hypothetical situation what if there's is a white family that has lived in this made up neighborhood, which is now majority black, for two generations. You shouldn't take the white persons opinion over a black persons that have only lived there for one generation?

Cartman saying Ninjas were gay was just used to further the "Jews shouldn't be ninjas since you can't trust them" joke when ISIS contacts them and he's vindicated. I don't think it has anything to do with his sexuality, he's fucking 7 or 8 for Christ's sake.