
What the f*ckity-f*ck???!!!So the leaking of potentially treasonous acts is WORSE than those acts?

Ya, this is horrifying because it’s so true;

I’m not disputing the notion of a racial disparity here, but do you REALLY think Ray Rice got into trouble?

I wonder how this will play out since he’s white and rich. Most likely no one will care because he’s white and rich and society has made it so they can get away with anything.

Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.

Paying her off and threatening her.

Oh, they know. They know she’s in pain and frightened. Each shift change got to guffaw at that. And to mock her for faking it. Even the blood. What horrible people.

Also? Giving birth on the way to the hospital implies, you know, that someone believed you and took you to the hospital.

Yeah except the woman had trouble for five days. That’s like the taxi ride taking... five days and that’s why the baby is born in it.

That is my favorite. I didn’t trust Hillary. You voted for a man that was being sued for fraud! In what world is a man being sued for fraud more trustworthy than anyone?

Yup. I’m getting pretty tired of the right wing’s “you have to tolerate my intolerance” shtick.

Yeah, I agree. All those Trump voters telling everyone to fuck off really are to blame.

Again I say, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist (or a misogynist) but every single one decided it wasn’t a deal breaker. Every. Single. One.

I live around people who voted for Trump and I know many of them will not want to listen to me. I’m an American Indian woman with a Hispanic last name. I’m also well educated and a feminist. There are so many things I am that is wrong to them.

Bingo. I keep hearing certain liberals telling me I need to engage with Trump voters. Bullshit. They’re my same racist relatives who spent 8 years slagging on President Obama. They’re not concerned with coal mining jobs. They want revenge for 8 years of having a black man as President. Trump supporters are racists.

I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.

There is some room for variability, true. I certainly don't recommend wild foraging for anything that you are going to use to do something as hard on the body as end a pregnancy, but I do think that if you are using a controlled environment to grow your crop you can get a pretty consistent product. The marijuana

Thank-you so much for this article. This is why journalim exists.

Even if not needed, it is still used. I had a roommate in college who kept pennyroyal on hand. I was horrified...because of that whole "isn't that dangerous?!" idea.

I dabble in botany / herbs, and have a feeling that this "old knowledge" might become needed again with the way things are going.