Shes a Rude Bee

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

I wont claim to know the circumstances of this break up, but it sounds like for the past few years he has been the king of "WHATEVER BITCH ITS NOT LIKE I LIKED YOU ANYWAY"

Don’t hijack the thread to make a dumb opinion about a genre of books. Books =/= box office films. There are a billion books written over centuries just waiting to be downloaded onto your Kindle.

Lol, everyone was saying Kylie was morphing into Kim, but she definitely would have been wearing a Blac Chyna skin if she could. Also this picture does Chyna no favours. I follow her on snapchat and she is so freaking pretty.

Omg. It’s a brilliant move on his part. It’s so smart.

I have not stopped laughing over this Rob/Blac Chyna thing and I NEVER WILL.

I wonder if the Kardashians really feel like she is “preying” on Rob. Like, Tyga literally started sleeping with Kylie as a minor, and Blac Chyna is a predator?

#TeamBlacChyna fo’ real. Tyga grosses me out.

Bernie bros.? Are you implying women don’t support Bernie?

“women control their bodies, not the government”

I think it’s poor form for Jezebel to use Planned Parenthood’s own website comparing Sanders and Clinton as evidence in an article talking about the three parties, particularly when PP has already endorsed Clinton.