Actually, I think that's even better than returning it to the store!
Actually, I think that's even better than returning it to the store!
Taking toys away from children is very effective. Making a child return their toy to the store is not cruel. It's harsh, I'll grant that, but we don't know what the kid did to get punished. I can imagine many scenarios that would warrant just that punishment. Bullying or physically hurting another person would be…
I'm confused. Parents are reviled because they don't discipline their kids. They're reviled if they punish them. (You can't spank them!)
Apparently, Kim has some pretty staunch stans here.
I attended a Whole-Foods-catered wedding and it was the best catered food I have ever tasted. And the bride said it wound up costing less, too. Two thumbs up.
Team Adams.
WW pushes all kinds of prepackaged crap food that is not healthful at ALL.
I think the internet is one of the most important inventions ever devised by mankind (thanks, Al Gore!).
As someone who's been saved from uncomfortable/scary situations by "nosy" older ladies when I was a young, naive woman, I've vowed to pay it forward. I will step in whenever I see a perv bothering a young woman, and don't care what anyone thinks. We have to watch out for our younger sistren.
Ewww, she's squeezing his neck rolls!
Spoiler alert: Jackie made it up.
Her friends say something terrible "obviously" happened. THAT IS NOT PROOF OF ANYTHING. They saw her crying and shaking. They didn't see bruises or blood. They didn't witness anthing.
She lives in my building. I tried to get the building staff to gossip about her, but they didn't have anything juicy or bad to say. Apparently she is very nice to them.
Ann Coulter just says outrageous things to get attention.
I don't even think the fashion is that different. Those people wouldn't look out of place on today's subways at all. Just the handbags look dated, IMO.
Thank you. (No, really, I'm thanking you.) That's how I read them in my head, but I never hear anyone actually SAY them out loud.
Beyonce has a long history of "borrowing" from other artists. No surprise.
Here's my pedantic question. Is "Bey" pronounced as "bay" or "bee"? Because "Beygency" requires it to be pronounced "Bay-gency". Right? But then there's "Beyhive", which would be "Bee-hive".
Right? It would never occur to me to do any ONE of those things when I was 11. Or any age.