
I beg to differ. I don’t especially like dogs or other animals (although I’m more tolerant of cats). I don’t have any animal-related trauma. I have made it 54 years without harming any creature larger than an insect. Even then, I try to put insects out of the building instead of killing them. I just don’t enjoy being

Yes, my mother-in-law was so restrictive on her sodium that she developed hyponatremia and actually has to be careful to get enough sodium.

“A truth that’s told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.”

A dessert casserole? Maybe use cake or cookie chunks with a fruit like strawberries in custard with a brulée topping? It would be a bit like a cooked trifle. Just a thought; it sounds like a lot of work unless you have a pre-made custard sauce and a handy-dandy blowtorch.

Not exactly in the theme, but I used to make a ham and potato casserole with a cream cheese/cheddar/dill sauce. I also added lots of onions and red bell peppers. It was my own creation, and the only reason I don’t make it anymore is because my husband can’t eat much cheese anymore. However, almost everyone who tried

Jerry Siegel, the writer, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, therefore American. Joe Shuster, the artist, was born in Toronto but moved to Cleveland when he was about 10. For that matter, hot dogs are originally German and apple pie dates back to 14th century England.