Sheryl Bee

People younger than me doing stuff I don’t like”

Can we go even further and say “adults age 20 - 40"? I’ve seen so many people bitching about supposed millenials that are actually gen-z, and I want to be sure the correct generation is being blamed for things, you know?

Taking offense at being a millennial is the most millennial thing you can do!

I don’t think white people are the ones who get to decide if it matters. And not all people of color feel the same about appropriation either. But when white people take credit for or are applauded for creating styles/dances/what the hell ever that have belonged to other cultures for years, it is a problem. It’s a

“But there’s so many ways I, a White Person, am used to being a dick.” -Soperfect

The NYT has really been trolling lately. If it were any other publication, I would wonder why she was still being given a platform.