
I’m in a feud with Pornhub and refuse to appear in any of their videos.

I’m having very similar issues with the Fast and Furious franchise people which is why I haven’t appeared in any. AND I WON’T.

In case anybody was wondering, the reason why I haven’t appeared in any DC superhero movies either is because of a separate, unrelated feud I’m having with Walter Hamada.

Imagine Whedon trying to intimidate someone who was in the Israel Defense Force. Someone who is just as badass as playing the actual Wonder Woman.

They pulled the same stunt with Final Fantasy VII Remake by posting an article a day after release about its “mind boggling twist ending”. If this keeps up I’m going to have to become a Polygon man.

“Self-centered”? Someone decides that their hot take is important enough that they’ll slap it on the front of an extremely ubiquitous website, spoiling potentially thousands who haven’t played the game within 10 days of release, and somehow those thousands are the ones who are selfish? Get a grip.

Sorry if this has already been posted (don’t want to check any other comments or the piece), but unless I am super mistaken of the baby is very spoilerific if you are in mid-game like I am and just what it looks like allows me to easily identify the parents (once again, could be wrong here, if so, please accept my

Oh, so we’re doing thumbnail spoilers now, huh? Statute of limitations now fully gone.

This is a weird one. I mean, I bought the game at launch and I’ve played basically every day. But then, I’m an adult with a full time job, so “played” is maybe half an hour to an hour, which is as much as I could do. I haven’t

It hasn’t even been out for two weeks yet, and this article spoils something that happens near the end. And there’s no reason to advertise the spoiler the way they did in the headline and picture, this article could’ve existed just as well with a headline like “Why I love THAT character in last of us.”

Look... it’s this fucking simple.

“The Last of Us II has the cutest little thing in it”

You can talk about stuff of significance without spoilers in titles. But I'm sure having to do very small gestures for others is very hard on you.

The spoiler is right in the headline. Referring to the ending of a remake as “mind-boggling” suggests there’s something different about it compared to the original ending.

Yeah not on the day it releases worldwide, just because there’s exceptions doesn’t mean it’s ok to write an article on the day the game releases for most people considering most people do digital now. There’s no justification to this your literally a troll and a douche for publishing this and I really hope you catch

I appreciate this response but to prevent me from writing a 6 point rebuttal for why this article is a bad idea (alienating people affected by COVID-related delays being one of the more egregious) you should indicate this fact in your article headline and not in the comments section. You will, otherwise, earn a lot of

Why write an article about the ending of a 40 hour game on release day? No one’s beaten it except reviewers. I’m trying to not read any spoilers but even coming to the comment section its like dang can’t read anything.


“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it.