
At this point with the orchestral inspirational music when Mike found the idol he is either winning as a low rent Tony or Rodney somehow gets the better of him and he is blindsided. Can't imagine this season would be so hyped up if the D Grade Casayas domination continues like this and we just get a conventional

I am sure once the jury gets more filled up she will be get clued in way before FTC if Shirin somehow gets there.

Natalie only went to 1 tribal council the first 7 episodes and she was prominent in both the epsidoe where Drew was voted out but also when she volunteered to go exile with Baylor. Tyler didn't even get a confessional the round Jaoquin left who was his ally. Outside of obvo goats Dan and Rodney I still think Tyler is

According to the list of 30 names so far Redmond gave on twitter I don't think Troyzan is is a lock at all. I feel like him Terry and Savage all fit the same kind of role and only 1 will probaly get on. Savage has the edge as one of Probsts mancrushes and Terry is a charecter most people would e surprised after his

Having some quote what past Survivor players zodiac signs are and other useless trivia doesn't seem like fun.

Pity that Neleh never came back.

I would be shocked if Producers dont have Jenn,Shirin and Will on speed dial. And i also think Hali ,Rodney and Mike are in their cross heirs. Joe,Tyler,Kelly are basically as likely to come back as Brett and non Wigglesworth Kellys, and Dan is clearly not coming back cause he is getting reamed by the edit. If

I think Shirin could beat Rodney,Dan and Will . I guess a f3 with 2 of them could only happen if this season turns into something like Amazon/Pearl Islands where people flip flop a lot and both sides keep taking out the bigger threats of the other side.

More than Savage

People who are idoled out always are edited like that as to not illicit audience sympathies. That said I would agree she is boring although with all the crazies this season someone like Kelly is the perfect straight man to play off them. I do believe had she gone far her edit would have been a lot more substantial.

It's pretty hard to rank the winners cause there are actually so few bad or mediocre ones in Survivor compared to others show but a case could easily be made for a novice who never seen the show until being cast winning on her first try in the manner in which she did being among the top 10.

The Drew episode and most of the post merge in SJDS if it was it's own season would be in the top half of seasons. The John Rocker story arch and the unncessary making boring Josh/ and grumpy Jeremy the audience narrator/surrogates the first few episodes knocked it down though.

I am pretty sure Andrea was invited back because A.friend of Cochran B. Played with Boston Rob in her original season so maybe she would refer to him at some point which would give Probst great pleasure C. The pool of 4-5 recent seasons they were picking from had almost no other "hot chick in bikini" besides her

Not Lillian fans

I enjoy watching a perfect game in baseball but if they edited out the catcher and batters I wouldn't enjoy it as much. The main problem I had with RI was how everyone else sans Russhole and Crazy Phillip was completely ignored. It didn't feel like Rob pitching a no hitter it felt like 12 year old Nolan Ryan

It depends on the season. Something like Caramoan left very little options as everyone besides Cochran,Andrea and Malcolm at the merge was either poorly developed and invisible or an over the top cartoon that just by default it had to be one of those 3. And then 3 became 2 when Malcolms alliance lost the numbers on

I thought premerge episode where she went to exile with Baylor and tried to garner her and Missy's loyalty seemed like it was set up to put her on peoples radar as someone out there playing hard.

It's not like it came out of nowhere as she seemed to get content throughout the season even though she only went to 1 entire tribal council in the first 7 episodes.

Hali has probably had more confessionals already then Natalie W or Sophie got all season when they won and it's not like they are giving them to her because she is a big over the top personality or narrator type. She is a serious contender imo,I would be pretty shocked if she isn't at least top 4 or 5.

I thought Natalie was super obvious the second Jeremy left.