Word. I don’t wanna see anybodys picture until their facial bones move into the correct place and their head closes up. EEeeewwww. Brains.
Word. I don’t wanna see anybodys picture until their facial bones move into the correct place and their head closes up. EEeeewwww. Brains.
What is the christian right’s stance on aborting demons?
To be fair, we only know about the ones that are caught. There could be thousands of people successfully pulling this shit off.
Or pre-babies.
Sadly, conservatives’ hatred for women outweighs any love they may have for babies. :(
It’s more than a little horrifying when you realize these comments are mostly from adult women who are pregnant with other human beings. . . and aren’t even passingly aware of how the stages of fetal development work. THAT shows how bad our sex ed is in this country. These women actually seem to think sperm meets egg…
Eh, when we got JujyJunior’s first ultrasound he looked like Mr Burns from The Simpsons. I was half surprised he didn’t come out yellow and tenting his fingers while hissing “excellent.....”
Bobby Jindal really proved it last week. He cut funding to Planned Parenthood in Louisiana, even though he admitted PP doesn’t perform abortions at the places he cut funding to. Few people have pointed that closing places that do not perform abortions but do provide prenatal care is not what someone who loves babies…
I seriously don’t know how you all are dealing with this shit. Hard enough to watch it from the Canadian sidelines. Right now I feel like joining my husband on his next trip to Arkansas and going on a motherfucking rampage.
The group’s press release say Fite and Harris “demonstrated courage by standing strong in faith when situations were tough at the State Capitol and they did so with grace. They are consistently models of their Christian values in their homes, their communities, and their churches.” It commends the two lawmakers for…
Just goes to prove that anti-abortion nuts are indeed way more interested in protecting the “unborn” than actually helping real, live children. Once you’re out of that vagina, you best be taking care of yourself, kiddo - and def no demonic possession or you’ll be re-homed, stat!
Before I got married, I had good luck in London. They take bisexuals seriously, too. No one accused me of doing it for attention, which was nice.
I didn’t even see boobs, I just saw the most incredible bathroom counter that I fucking covet. It’s like crystal and glows from within? It looks like it’s from the Stevie Nicks White Witch collection for Kohler.
Since I will be in the greys forever few will see this, but I had severe hyperemesis gravidarum. It is not morning sickness. It is severe nausea and/or vomiting. It lasted all day, all night, and for the entire pregnancy, when I delivered at 35 weeks due to pre-eclampsia.
Just avoid the greys. Nasty.
Same here. I don’t do well with crowds. Plus I had my 7 and 9 year olds with me. We breezed through much of it, then ended up heading to the Egyptian exhibit, which is huge and awesome, plus more interesting for kids. Then we left.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Dear State of Arkansas: file child abuse charges against these scumbags posthaste, because isolating a child for hours on end IS abuse.