
Don't forget T-Bird from The Crow

yeah but you also don't own webpages. i get what he's trying to say but certain things should be optional updates.

Should we have a website somewhere counting down to the future?

Maybe this is why he's "retiring" from the UFC. Always thought he looked like Van Damme

Bullshit! The war was over money. Yankees and liberals like to talk about Bush Sr and Jr and their wars being about oil and not freeing these nations but it's the exact same thing with the Civil War and the Union. Southern states wanted to chose whom to sell cotton too (cotton gin led to increase production of raw

Check out Hardcore History, this is an excellent podcast that just had an episode about the Mongols. Awesome stuff.

Why is everyone so pissed that this guy wants to build/recreate the ark? Wouldn't you like to go to a single place to see all of the world's animals in one spot. I mean, shouldn't he turn this into some sort of zoo or at least have replicas to see if it's possible. Note that this is in jest.

Exactly! If you were to hold the truth and knowledge of all things would you just stay at home and say, "They won't believe me anyway, so what's the point."

sriracha if not used up quick enough will turn a dark red almost brown color. Putting it in the fridge helps retain the brite red color.

Music choices this whole season are horrible. Sounds like they hired a hipster to do the score.

You obviously do not cook a lot. Certain foods (I'm from Louisiana so lets take gumbo for example) taste better the second day as the flavors have more time to meld. Most dishes like soups, stews, and the like taste better the second day.

"...followed by an organized education campaign on the matter in the schools..."

Exactly!! We see this in our everyday life but never really think about it too much when we see different languages that have different alphabets. This is one of the main reasons behind language barriers (part of the problem with transcribing the Bible) is the concept of having these "extra" symbols that have meaning

I also never had to pay for my meal as a kid, so do I get free food too? Or do I need to call my mom first to take me there?

It's the same with squirrels. Just this past fall I BBQ'ed squirrel and also made Buffalo Squirrel legs. You need a lot of them little dudes to feed a group of people.

I worked at a restaurant back in '02 that had buffalo burgers, elk/buffalo steaks, wild boar, duck, alligator, all sorts of fish, frog legs we even cooked Nutria once (if you are unfamiliar with that, it's like a large rat from South America). Sooo many tasty animals besides mass produced cow, chick, and pig. Wild

+1 Peda Bear Approved

Chaotic Neutral BARD, bitches!!! Guard Killa!

You dispute it like any other case the credit agency tries to collect on. Yes it can affect your credit score and I have friends who disputed these filings with the collection agency with success.