
My son is roughly the same age as Mateo, so it's been a treat to watch him hit all his milestones. But it wasn't until I read you comment that it clicked in my head that his birthday is next month and I haven't give a single thought to planning his party. Literally watched the whole episode and nothing clicked until

I agree. I think she may be putting on a dumb act to get Petra's sympathy, but I do think she is as insecure and naïve as she comes off.

I hope they are submitting Yael Grobglas for awards, because she is going all in with both roles! They hardly even look like twins, their facial expressions are so different.
Looking back, I'm baffled that anyone thought people wouldn't watch this show because of it's title.

What I don't understand is that they didn't want Saldana to use her God-given skin tone because they wanted her to look more like Nina, but… They let her use her own singing voice? I mean, if you want to channel Nina Simone, get the voice right. Just bad choices all around.

I've never seen the move so I googled some images and laughed out loud! You know Kerry Washington is hiding out right about now. From the stills I saw, she doesn't look airbrushed like Zoe so I hope she just took advantage of the bright African sun.

What a copout. If you're the writer and director, then make the film you want to make or move on the next project.

Uh. Sister Act II !!

LOL true. But she has the acting and singing chops and probably enough respect to refuse blackface

I'm willing to bet Viola Davis read the script, met the director and then gave it a hard pass.

I agree that stage has more flexibility, but if you're going to make a film with daring ("daring") casting, then commit to it. Let it rest of the actor's ability and the spirit of the subject that they bring. If you have to paint your actor head to toe, then you might want to consider recasting.

I love that now that he's almost out of the WH, he's decided to be like "Fuckit, I'm as black as you were afraid I was."

Yeah they get 1 star on yelp from that company.

The showrunner said in an interview that it will not be someone currently on the show.

I didn't know that. So disappointing.

I wonder if this is why Tom Mison left twitter. One thing I will posit is that this has always been the Ichabod Crane show. The problem is that when the writers saw the chemistry between the actors and fan reaction to the costar, they didn't course correct. They kept going forward with the Ichabod Crane show instead

I thought everything Ruby was on point this week. Kicking Zoey out of her room, starting the fire!!

I think Dean not telling Sam he killed himself in the last episode made sense. But I can't tell you the breath of relief I let out when Dean came clean about fighting Amara!

My theory is that they're actually all Canadian (Americans are never this gentle, and do you hear the way Daniel talks?) and Grandpere is French Canadian.

Jane and Petra are the perfect odd couple. I loved Jane hastily jumping in when one of the mommies referenced Frozen and then telling Petra that the therapist was "very exclusive." LOL
Also, Alba asking Xo if she wants tea on the set.

*head explodes*