
I hope this ends Christie’s political career once and for all.

I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did

Donald, Jr. is the most slappable son. Eric is the most “thrust a crucifix in his face and dispatch him with a wooden stake”-able son.

First is Barron, right?

Don Jr. Is slappable. Eric is punchable.

Ehhh, I’ve been in a relationship with my husband for 13 years, married 7, that’s enough time not to find my husbands exes threatening. I’ve actually started hanging out with one ex frequently - we have kids the same age & have friends in common. Plus, she’s smart & interesting, which I appreciate in friends.

Michael Cera stole that movie. He had no right being that wonderful in it.

It’s hilarious, I have no idea how Seth Rogan want cracking up when James Franco and Danny McBride were arguing over the porn mag.

Yeah she was always quite conservative, in my opinion. Her flashy, eccentric clothes didn’t match her personality.

So, there’s a group of girls that have either dated or been intimate with my boyfriend (they all knew each other in HS/College) and they keep asking me to hang out with them and I just don’t want to. I find it weird that this is the reason they want to be my friend. He’s told me they’ve done this to other girlfriend

Me and bf have occasional threesomes with his ex, and we’re all friends on fb. Does that count?

I feel the same except change that to I’m totally fine with my exes existing as long as they don’t contact me or look at me or anything else I might look at

Once I sat I wouldn’t be able to get out.

she just pretends to be.

I think it would irk me if all my partner’s ex’s were models- because, come on. Show some variety in your dating choices!

“you’re so much bigger than him sweetie I PROMISE” *sighs internally*

Whatever happened to cutting a hole in a vegetable or gourd of some sort, microwaving it for a couple of seconds, and fucking it?