
My planned roommate was blocked from being able to claim our room due to a technical problem, which left my roommate spot open. In walks my nightmare new roommate. This guy was from Connecticut but claimed to be from Texas because he had visited family there a few times, and insisted on hanging a “Don’t tread on me”

My first dorm roommate was a senior who was dating a junior at a local HS and wasn’t around very often, but I would have to leave when she would visit. He moved out after the first quarter (because who wants semesters) and for the next quarter, had the dorm to myself. Came back from spring break and new roommate was

My best story is someone else’s too! A guy I know was renting a house with a friend of his and having a lot of moderately wild parties. At one of them the local drug dealer turned up to, ah, peddle his wares. And stayed. For three months they shared a house with some random thug type they were scared to ask to move

Many college students would be quite happy to learn their new roommate is also a supplier.

Yeah. Hungry for pussy.

I agree. And I also see that she is smart and sane, but she is also pretty arrogant about it. She referred to herself as “the smartest person she’d ever met” on an episode a couple seasons ago. If that’s true she needs to get out more.

Sure, but no one was holding a gun to her head. If you’re going to be on a trashy reality show, please don’t act like you’re better than it. If you were, you wouldn’t be on it.

They’re the only couple with actual chemistry.

I found my mom’s diary when I was 12. It was all about personal sex reflections, concerns about her vagina looking old, and revealed to me that my father had had two affairs. I think I ran to the bathroom and puked.

I lived with a yoga teacher who, when I did something that pissed her off, would run up to her room and put on a bikini and prance around the house. I’m overweight, and I’m pretty sure she did it to make me feel bad about myself. There was no other explanation because she still did this when it was freezing cold. Even

I never had a roommate I was friends with. At best, I had roommates I could tolerate. Sharing a room is just a raw deal. I had the girl who tried fucking boys in her bunk above me, dropping her underwear ON MY HEAD. I had a heroin addict. I had a psycho like Ashly. All bad.

No way. Bitch doesn’t know what the difference between a bunk bed and a loft bed. I’ll drink all of her clearly-marked Naked juice on the basis of that alone.

I like that she says that she is chill and that she says she is a ticking time bomb. How does that work, again?

Close but no cigar.

Thank you. I am so sick of everyone parading her around like some fucking hero to the cause. She’s a criminal and a traitor and now she gets a free procedure that so many law-abiding trans individuals cannot afford. The only good thing about this news is that maybe we can finally stop hearing from her now.

It’s all fun and games until you need to take a dump

No. I hear ‘Clinton’ and ‘email’ and just stop listening at this point. Wake me up when they have some actual provable evidence of lawbreaking. Most Americans can’t even tell you what a server does, they just know they should be upset about it because Fox News told them so.

It was a sad, sad day when I realized I could no longer maintain after smoking weed. And an even sadder one when I realized painkillers were better than sex.