
“Just as kneeling during the national anthem is somehow an insult to not only the flag, but also to the military, the police and also to first responders.”

Also from Tom Morello. Pretty sure “davez67" is former House Speak Paul Ryan: 

Either that or stop begging to be whitelisted, because until autoplay videos are gone and never coming back, it isn’t going to happen.

OK so here it is, my last comment. This is me leaving. I’ve been an active member of these sites (particularly io9) for years. I’ve had many interesting discussions with people and will fondly remember Meatwadf (the original, non-racist) Dr. Emilio Lizardo and many, many others.

I assume anything that’s a slideshow instead of a vertical scroll is a request that I don’t read it.

PLEASE GET RID OF SLIDE SHOW LISTS!! I DONT LIKE CLICKING SO MUCH (mostly from takeout but dont add them if you dont have them already)

You redesigned the layout so that ‘Deals of the day’ occupies more prominent featured space than ‘Latest’? gtfo

There’s still a lot of resource hogging videos that autoplay, so it’s really not THAT different.

Feedback? Every change thats been made in the past....year? Has been absolute trash since its been all about driving up dumbass metrics and not improving user experience in any way.

I will accept this if you promise to stop doing the slideshow stories that don’t function... My readable content has been halved by those fuckers.

Give us your feedback in the comments, and we’ll keep making tweaks to make the experience better.”

Yes, I love having to click “Latest” every single time I go to your site.

In some areas, that may be a factor.

No offense, but unless your spending all your money on a suped-up PC, a refurb Switch could be had for under $200 pre-quarantine. It’s been out for over 2 years. Sounds like you weren’t interested in the Switch until it became a job requirement. Unless you were a kid saving up his/her allowances this whole time, I

“The result is a marketplace where you can no longer buy a Switch or a Switch Lite at their normal price points.”

Sounds like you did mean the Lite. 

This is just WRONG. You can find msrp Switch Lites all over the place...such as the aformentioned Best Buy, in multiple colors lol.

They have a Billion in cash

I have never understood this way of thinking, neither with houses nor with cars. Maybe it is an European thing.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything is perfectly fair.

First of all: CP