
Counterproposal: Wrangler and Bronco get to keep SUV, everything else is now a CUV. Why the hell is a RAV4 an SUV and a C-HR is a CUV? It’s the same sausage, different size.

You’d prefer he go to church? 

Thank you for your assurance. I fear it is based on ignorance and unearned confidence, but thanks regardless.

Desert sand formations tend to grow very slowly and in areas with very little rain like Death Valley, can be preserved intact for centuries or longer. Though not as spectacular as other natural formations they contain valuable information relevant to fields like geology and climatology because they function as time

If Donald J. Trump (Impeached) can claim that he won 2016 by a “landslide” and claim that he won the popular vote in the same Tweet, then 20 votes can be the new “narrowly.”

I’d bet the reason for the hardline stance is that a cashier is probably on the 5th person that day wearing earpods, and if the customer with headphones asks for the cashier to repeat something...

“How is it any different than an earring or piece of jewelry?”

How are you this dumb? 

It’s different because you’re telling the person you’re talking to that whatever might come in through that airpod is more important than they are. Also, how do you know he wasn’t listening to music or something? It doesn’t say that anywhere.

That was the answer today too, but it was phrased more diplomatically.

BS. I know Troy and he’s greasy as hell. His ounces are 26 grams at best.

Unless someone is pulling into the spot behind you as well and you’re trapped between the two spots.

A clear indication we need a national crash program to fit the passenger jets with afterburners.

I feel like a major issue, in the US at least, is that people have no idea of the severity of measles. They equate it to something comparatively minor like chicken pox, like if they skip the vaccine and get sick it just means a weekend in bed. People so distrust the government that if “the man” tells people to do

Didn’t the last movie kinda invalidate the Rule of Two? I mean, if there was a whole goddamn star system full of “Sith cultists” this whole time that seems like a lot more than a couple guys.

yeah, sorry about the whole Twilight thing, we can’t be held responsible for what white suburban teen girls decide is the best thing ever. But on the other side of things, we also made it possible for J.K. Rowling to give a bunch of money to more deserving charities.

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.

Hey, at least you have Justin Beiber Norwood. ;P GEN X RULES! :D

Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.