
Well yeah, because of Obamagate.

psst...I believe he’s being sarcastic. 

Ok you can’t be part of io9 and have that drastically negative of an opinion regarding one of the all-time seminal moments of science fiction & pop culture.

He’s “trying” like a toddler trying to help you bake a cake by grabbing the bag of flour and dumping it all over the floor.

Why would someone name this “Thunderspy”?

The obvious fix is to just shut down Twitch.

A lot of ohio is corn field, which brings up the median intelligence.

I need to know more about these completely made-up pets that will tolerate being that close to a running vacuum cleaner AND a shrieking Flowbee.

You can’t shut off a cow

Heaven forbid they post something that they’ve never written about before.Doubly that they didn’t check to see if you knew about it before they did so.

It’s been around since 1962, which I say in the post. And no, I don’t have cable. 

Sad that so many laws have to be followed. Because defense contractors have shown, time after time, that they will always follow ethical principles simply out of their own deeply-held philosophical principles. I can think of no higher ethical paragon than a defense contractor! In every decision they are prioritizing

Right, so, a couple things that I cannot believe still have to be explained to people.

it sounds like you’re taking “rolling coal” to just mean driving a diesel truck? I don’t think that’s what most people, and the author, mean by rolling coal. Specifically, they’re talking modding the truck and dumping stupid fuel-rich ratios to throw up black clouds on roadgoing trucks

How the fuck do you drive around with “no headers”? 

It actually gets about the same MPG on the big tires as it does on stock ones, because it changed the gearing and I’m not in boost at 70 anymore. And it still has all of its original smog equipment, including a functional catalyst, and passes an annual emissions test. Also, I haven’t driven it in 4 months, so it’s

It makes me sad that people like you frequent this website :(


Thanks for the free Gameboy! I wondered who gifted it.