
So glad you shared your experience DebbieTheSuperstar!!! Its really important that this article’s untruths get put in check. Thank you for sharing!!! I agree about the lack of professionalism for sure. I’ve never been a reader of any of these blogs—but I am definitely not going to start now!

Thank you for writing this response coyotelove !!! I am really glad you shared your experience of SSM here. This article is blatantly wrong and extremely misguided.

Love reading this, sheposts!! Feels so brave the way you’re sharing your experience and I feel super connected to you - especially the piece about “I have never met a person that said, “I looked for something because I don’t have anything I want to work on in my life.”” I was definitely a seeker too - trying EVER and

Love hearing your experience, Anika! Feels so powerful and really honest!

I really love this reminder of how brilliant International is at helping women connect to their true selves. Thanks for finding this in the archives, I guess your not-having-anything-better-to-do-with-your-time I mentioned before really paid off!

jeeze. Guess you don’t have anything better to do than search for websites that don’t exist anymore. You sound super cool and awesome (that’s sarcasm. To be clear)

I have read this article several times and what stands out to me the most is how completely biased, one sided and ridiculous these accusations are.

I love reading about your experience!! Way to represent!

Anika, I loved reading your email! I think you said everything amazingly.

I couldn’t agree more that International supports authentic expression. It’s amazing hearing your perspective and how you’re supported to be you! That is my experience too. Being supported to be me!


It is so great to read your experience Anika. I couldn’t agree with your point of view more. I don’t feel like you went on too long, unlike the original article.

I’ve been in every “back room” there is to be in and so have many of the other women who have been posting their positive accounts of SSM. It was never the way that it was distorted to seem in this article.

Anna—I am really glad that you published Anika’s email to you. It shows me that you are, at this point, willing to see that perhaps you didn’t have all the facts when you went to print with this article.

This is being said over and over to the women speaking up for Superstar Machine. I don’t know how on earth Anna Merlin’s article could be viewed as anything other than a long, drawn out attack on this group.

Love seeing you here and reading this, Anika!

So awesome! Way to let them know Kale123!!!!

In the interest of not arguing over whether or not SSM is a cult or not a cult, I think it’s more important to address the logistics of this scenario as the semantics will just turn into a squabble, really. Like The View and this is Jezebel so let’s not View it up, yo! I’m sorry - that was a stupid joke. Ok so there’s

Anika! This feels like an amazing testament to your experience. How refreshing after hearing all this sensationalist voyeuristic garbage from 99% of the commenters.

This article is so WACK! I’m a proud QUEER member of both Superstar Machine AND IHSR! And I have always...ALWAYS been supported in that.. because that’s who I am authentically. And if there is something that International supports it’s authenic expression! So I can straight up attest that it’s a load of crap that