
So that’s the key to getting result with an assault case on a campus. Be male!

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

That reply is a good summary of the difference between American liberals and American conservatives on government regulations:

Um the use of fetal tissue for the advancement of medicine is fine by me. And PP is acting perfectly within the limits of the law.

yes but there is a separate law for fetal tissue and PP is doing it legally.

Selling fetal tissue at cost with permission of the patient is perfectly legal. Also, it’s been used in medical research and treatment for decades. It’s not a secret.Feel free to refuse any life saving medical treatment that uses fetal tissues - don’t get a rabies vaccine if you get bitten by a wild animal.

Selling fetal tissue at cost with permission of the patient is perfectly legal.

Sure, but do you think the women getting abortions were told that their tissue was going to be donated for research? Or was it buried in the fuckton of paperwork they signed?

Because they were contacted by a reporter who was doing a story on her not being black.

Yep, I prefer licking top to bottom only. Bottom to top feels like he is licking a shit ton of bacteria right up into my urethra where it’s going to cause a UTI.

I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck

How much more wanted and loved they will feel when she tells them that they were chosen, that they are alive because she chose not to kill them.

Dear Bros,

"Family is important to me."

Would I get upset over being strip-searched? Always.

Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Ok, everyone in North and South Dakota, find a magnetic shift buddy. You'll be trading homes once the event happens. South American hockey leagues, North American Soccer teams, we'll be so confused.

Her examples (and perforce, her research) sometimes evince that she's not played the games she's commenting on, but her general observations are still spot-damned-on.

She's a great example of the power of a solid idea undercut by terrible research practices, and that continues to sadden me—she's saying what needs to be