
Don’t showboat after hitting it.

What did the bitch do?

attaboy John


Sure, when the douchebag isn’t telling umps to fuck off.

Better than a shitty boss.

and he’s an excellent teammate.

“I enjoy watching the Washington Redskins football team”. Do I own it now?

It’s like the word commonly used for an african american person in popular music today. In some songs, it’s like every other word! Surely the word isn’t racist when you hear it 50 times in one 4-minute song, amirite?

If it can still exist in our nations capitol, then it’s not really a slur.

Would names like “cher” or “H. Clinton” have been more appropriate?

not racist?

I hope you’re a psychiatrist.

No, insulting people by attacking their sexuality works pretty well.

Why would anyone take them to task? Nobody gives a shit.

Even Goose agrees.

This Cam Newton is gonna get his ass beat.

Your post has made take a giant shit.

Interesting, so F### You Cam Newton!!!

Go ahead and ask him