Shen Ye

That sounds like an excellent excuse for people who post photos of others on their dating profile...(too poor to afford a camera, so had to use someone else's photo)

(double post, whoops)

thats like dumping a body in a lojack'd car...

Ahh, how accurate maths can be...

Asking Geohot not hacking any more Sony products is like asking a guy to never masturbate won't stick.

I don't understand how this comment got so many replies, arguing why Indian is or isn't Asian.....

I bet the 2 asians in that row also turned into hackers....

That number is strongly correlated with Facebook's average webpage size...

I swear this has already been posted in the past...

Loving how he uses a Japanese accent, but has a chinese name

They dont need the internet when they have this!

I don't think many people actually WENT to download it. Nearly anyone who has an updating OCD (like me) wouldn't care about IE, and anyone who doesn't, probably doesn't know/can't be bothered to. All these downloads are generated from windows update.

Just throwing that in there...

"Fake and gay" - RWJ

aka Google Checkout?

HTC has had SSL in Peep for quite a while now...


Jobs got parred.

It's what the Chinese do. Block a site, make an internal copy, generate revenue.

My girlfriend.