Shen Ye

i always "forget" to turn it off anyway, never been a problem. Google conferences with free wifi on the other hand....


Yay, $100 an hour parking!

Anyone wanna tell me why there's like a 3:1 hydrogen to oxygen ratio..?

It's gonna be Farmville or WoW. Stupid World of WarCrack

issue: lag, solution: villainrom :)

@Manly McBeeferton: Lmao, but we have hands....We could always improvise with other materials...

Ball scratchers....


power sockets for economy, even if it means paying for a small fee to use it.

So that's how my mate got a photo of my junk....

@JooJooFace: and people might do bad things for these achievements..

@Modred189: I meant as in not just plain webkit, but "chromed"

Now playing

Who cares about the test when people can do this?

Why couldn't Google just use Chrome on Android instead of WebKit? My crappest laptop has worse specs than my phone, yet it runs Chrome fine.

Works on my Cr-48, too bad I have my moderately loud music playing all the time when I'm at my PC. Fail.

If they get a bit too horny, they can watch porn in congress!

The little thumbnail looked like an 8-bit version of farmville.

@Kyang: I don't understand why there's 2 green things above the O's....