
I just traded in my 2009 Civic today and I’ve never been happier to get rid of anything in my life. Reliable means of transportation, yes. Everything else, no. Just overall a terrible car, uncomfortable, pitifully slow, zero space. I’ll stop now, this car no longer affects my life.

They talk crap at press conferences leading up to an event and it’s mutual, I still think it’s ridiculous. I can’t recall ever seeing someone win a match in either of those sports and then immediately run over and start cussing out the guy they just beat.

Nothing that I saw here falls into the category of “good-natured ribbing”. This kind of behavior is ridiculous. In any other sport in the entire universe this would absolutely be an infraction and result in punishment, probably ejection from the competition.

I daily a 1990 Suzuki Samurai. Such a good freaking car. I’m convinced that if Suzuki re-released the Samurai/Jimny line in America that it could dominate and really cut into Jeep’s market share.

I don’t think it’s really disrespectful, it’s an intelligent play. As you can see Basilashvili started to bolt to the right because that’s where he anticipated the shot going. Kyrgios knew he would do that and popped it to the opposite side of the court. If he had went for the backhand to hit it cross-court it would

I think the early model M998 is the only one that didn’t have a Park position. The majority of the one’s that I drove from 2005-2011 had Park. We mainly had M1123 and 1097's if I remember correctly.

There’s a lot wrong here but I’ve driven a ton of these and I can guarantee you that if the parking brake was properly tensioned and fully engaged then there’s no way a 5 year old is going to be able to release it. Plus like everybody else said it should have been chocked. Somebody got extremely lazy.

How about Jeep bros. I feel like they’re one of the worst but in a weird way. They’re willfully ignorant of how utterly horribly assembled their car is and willing to pay wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much money for one that was bad from the factory and then 10x worse because the previous owner only had enough money

Yup all you need is speed, gas, and temperature anyway. What’s with all these newfangled cars and their superfluous instruments anyway?

Truth, got a 1990 Samurai, my buddy today told me to shoot the gapin traffic while turning left. I just laughed and patted him on the head condescendingly.

I’ve been wrenching on my 1995 GMC Safari for awhile now and I have to say I agree with Nissan on this one. Any kind of engine work is a gigantic pain in the butt. Being able to just pop the hood and do the spark plugs would be a welcome relief. Unfortunately with a cabover you have to pull the wheels, dismantle

I don’t know if you noticed but in the video the ball joint that failed was a Moog lolololololol

For real, especially when the rest of Ghost in the Shell is grounded in reality. How dare they?!? ;-)

Honestly at face value I would have hated it while I was still in. It is unlikely but entirely possible that he is being respectful and attempting to learn about something he has no knowledge of but is tasked with.

Generally speaking, heater cores. Specifically, anything under the hood of a ‘92 prelude.

Nothing else in this matters other than when he says, “Melon-cholly” lolololololololololololololol

The second best thing I did was build a center console for my 1995 GMC Safari. The best thing I did was put cupholders in it because GM thought that 5 inches of vertical clearance is enough for the ones they put on the dash.

I like your setup man. I’m curious, how exactly do you switch over from the Mac to the PC and vice versa?