
I'm curious, what indicators on ammo slides are you talking about? The only indicators I can think of would be the pusher at the bottom the magazine on an M16/M4 whatever. I had some black ones some grey ones and some green ones. There's no indicator on a pistol and pretty much everything else I shot was belt fed

No, I can assure you none of us service members have any insight into why this slang comes about. We say it because our instructors said it. Also I've never really heard that one used. I would say either 'empty' or 'reloading'. Some of the things people consider slang like 'oscar mike' are actually legitimate ways

No, the only solid gold bar insignia in the American military is the O-1. Butter bar only applies to 2nd Lieutenants and Ensigns. O-2 and O-3 is always silver bars across every branch.

I was in the Marines for 6 years and we definitely said affirmative or copy that way more often than we said oorah. Most Marines only use oorah sarcastically or if some stick in the mud dick officer is around that expects it. Sometimes we would shorten it to just 'rah or 'err simply out of laziness, but even then it

The HMMWV may not be the greatest, but I have some great memories in mine.

Actually not all Gamecubes had the component out. After a certain point Nintendo realized that hardly anybody was using them so they quit putting the ports on new Cubes. And yeah they're stupid expensive, I sold mine for like $90 bucks three years ago lol.

Also VGA to HDMI adapter wouldn't really be necessary since I've yet to see a modern TV that lacks a VGA input.

Absolutely. My first car was a 1995 GMC Safari. 11 years later with 236000 on the clock it's still going strong. It's on it's fourth sliding door, second transmission, second rear axle, and original engine. Power locks and windows stopped working some time ago. Parking brake release is now a red wire hanging