Sherry Henderson

When u fuck around and find out that Cardi B has gone full Milli Vanilli.

Or acting....

No one is “jolly good fellowing” Dre. We can enjoy this dressing down of MTG without “celebrating” Dre, with most of the joy being in what his lawyer rather than himself.

If we’re being honest, he should consider retirement. He’s had multiple concussions during his short NFL career. But he most likely suffered concussions that we don’t even know about in college, high school and even pop Warner. Tua’s father was a well known lunatic sports dad who would beat his son after games if he

I’m tired of B listers trying to get their 15 minutes by giving their take on The Slap. Let it the @#$# go.

Is James really wrong about the state of play in this league? For god’s sake no one can run a fast break outside of The Warriors and even they tend to fall in love with threes too much. Nobody can run a half court offense, posting up is all but gone and don’t even try to tell me that anyone has a midrange game. Also

Today’s athletes are more active and aware about the world around them than ever before.”

these playoff games have been trash though. 

It’s not even about what he actually did; it’s about keeping himself out of bad situations and away from sketchy people, to include last week’s cheating rumors. Every other scammer will look to trick off him and Riri.

I’d argue that it’s the other way around: It shows how unprotected Black women are. No way in hell would Chris Rock have made that joke about a white woman suffering from a serious medical condition.

Would Chris Rock have made that joke about about Nicole Kidman if she’d lost her hair due to chemo? I’m guessing not. It’s always easy to make fun of Black women.

Jussie didn’t “LOSE EVERYTHING”.  He threw everything away.  Big difference.  And forgiveness typically requires an acknowledgement of wrongdoing.  Stop trying to make believe Jussie Smollett is a victim.  He is not a victim.

“For a black female physician to be treated this way by Chase is a devastating reminder that no matter how hard we try and how far we climb, major corporations in this country still view us as if we are nothing.” Moore says.

“ “My exact thoughts. Never seen Z throw this look.””

Do you ever take a moment to stop and ask why? Should he not be concerned with how his investments would be affected if they were to do this? I’ll admit he’s a bit prideful here, but take a second to think about why someone in his position would say this. And I’m sure he’s donated mor than you and I combined so he

This poor young woman. I wish her soul the best and I hope her family can find some peace. This sucks.

Nah son. You pull that phone out, make sure you are filming in high def and you get -everything- you can and when you get a chance, you upload it.

You doubt my authority? This card is just two punches away from a free frozen yogurt.

Cedric had good one liners, DL was always good for current topical humor.

Which is also another way of grieving. Everyone’s coming off pretty judgey here. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, there’s nothing wrong with dealing with grief any way that makes you feel better.