
Who among us hasn't killed someone, or stolen an election? #thewisdomofmellie

I have always believed that! Glad to see that I'm not the only one! Maybe that's true endgame - Susan in the oval, stroking a cat and smiling evilly.

I did love Mellie sucking down that moonshine while watching the electors' vote. And if it means we'll have a lot more Mellie, I'm fine with her becoming President. In fact, that's what has been missing from this season - not enough Mellie! Well, that and no Susan Ross. But I can't even hope that they'll remedy

What Fitz did was not unusual and totally in character. Remember when he packed up her apartment and deposited Olivia, against her will, in the White House, supposedly for her own safety? In fact, that's why she broke up with him the last time. Once again, he took away Olivia's agency and went against what she

And a couple of seasons ago she successfully framed him for malfeasance in his "job" at the Smithsonian, sending him away for what she thought was a life sentence.

"The FBI director calls the President of the United States "boy" to his face and isn't fired for insubordination on the spot. In real life her ass would have been out of there so fast you wouldn't see anything but air."

Does Shonda Rhimes have it in her ABC contract that she must turn our stomachs at least once a season?

Pretty sure that, after removing her from the investigation in lieu of "transferring her to the field office" in East Bumfuck or wherever, Fitz is NOT still seeing the FBI Director,

They would love that. As of now, they can prescribe only a one months' supply - no refills - in NY and CA. All that means is that their waiting rooms are constantly filled with patients who will never break an appointment. There's huge money behind this epidemic.

"Watson 853" is more commonly known as Norco. Carry on.

SNL not being live was one of the things (among many) I truly hated about living in California.

I agree. I was just listening to it today as I was walking in the street, before I even read this article. And though there are a lot of his songs that I adore, listening to it today, while walking around New York, I was thinking, "Is this actually his best song?" So heartbreaking, so beautiful. And also in

I always thought that line implied that the Magic Rat was not dead. Even reading it now, I still think so. Because the Rat was the one who was reaching for his moment; the poets were just writing about it. And since he was just carted off, wounded, he didn't even make the newspapers - in other words, that's why the

"Suddenly, the street fight and the musical struggles are no longer poetic. The main character gets murdered and the romance fades. The real world—the adult world—overtakes the imaginary one."

The actress probably wasn't told. Just sayin'. Hard to put it on the screen, if it ain't on the page.

"Bad Day" plays in the background as Ryan Seacrest walks into the elevator and cries.

I believe the technical term is "plot armor."

You are correct. However, when a leader's plans always, without fail, turn to shit, it's time to invoke the 25th Amendment…. er…. I mean, to contemplate a change in leadership. Excuse me.

Michonne's look after that was priceless.

Verbs are expensive in the ZA, and in short supply. As are pronouns.