
I stand corrected. But the 9/11 connection still doesn't work.

Nope. They were definitely teenagers at that funeral. And several recap sites confirmed that. I just rechecked them to make sure that I didn't misinterpret, and no. Teens. I am hoping against hope that they're not leading up to a "Jack gets into a drunk driving accident after fighting with Rebecca over the tour"

No, I don't. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that Kevin left his fellow actor twisting in the wind, without so much as a word to anyone that an understudy would be necessary. In front of a full house and the entire NY press.

Not buying it. Top surgeons command high rates because of their reputations. Even a teaching hospital can't promise you a superstar and give you a rookie. Besides, surgeries are booked and billed directly with the surgeons, not the hospital. The hospital is providing the facility and other medical staff at the

And to think that Grey's is actually the least crazy of all of Shonda Rhimes shows. And yet, I cannot miss any of them. I eagerly await my TGIT each week like it's crack. I must be crazier than she is.

I'm not sure, either. All I can go by is the few times that I have had surgery in my life. Each time, I met the surgeon beforehand, having chosen that surgeon myself after careful research. I consulted with that surgeon and discussed my care in depth. Even the anesthesiologist telephoned me and introduced himself

To me, the most ridiculous and maddening part of this Minnick saga is the replacement of experienced surgeons with residents. Doesn't the patient get a say? If I or one of my loved ones needed surgery and I went to the trouble of choosing a surgeon and the hospital had a resident perform that surgery instead - not

I know. I thought he was going to be a bigger part of the story.

I think it was episode 2. When Eleven first escapes, she goes to the diner and is caught stealing food, and the diner's owner shelters her. He is killed for his trouble when the bad guys come looking for her. He plays the diner owner.

And not for nothing, but whatever Rebecca is going to earn on this tour is unlikely to ease Jack's financial burden,

I think your wife's spoiler is wrong. The timeline doesn't work. 9/11 happened 16 years ago. It's been established that he died when the kids were about 15 or so, and they're 37 now. So unless we've been watching a present that takes place in the future (boy, that was a weird sentence to write), they're not going


And don't forget that they have Mandy Moore, whose voice was good enough to have a few hit singles, as their lead vocalist.

I'm an actress, and if an actor ever did to me what Kevin did to Sloane, I would track him down and set him on fire.

Good point. I retract my statement. However, I think they are going to go the route of Jack getting into a drunk driving accident that leads to his death. I was thinking about this. The kids are about the right age, from what we've been told about the timing of his death. I hope I'm wrong.

Exactly. The very fact that she failed to mention it indicates that it was significant. An insignificant relationship calls for a, "I dated that guy a few times many years ago. Mistake." Or something along those lines. Upon introduction. Seriously. The fact that she withheld this information for years was

Thank you. That was the first thing I thought. Like, I would know the dog/cat person answer within a week. Because it's important to me. And Kate's whispered "Thank G-d" indicates that it's important to her, too.

Kevin's career is likely over, too.

I'm going to go contrary here and say that while Jack drinking was inexcusable, Rebecca not telling him that she used to date Ben was pretty shitty, too. She deliberately lied to her husband about information that she knew would upset him. Not a nice way to treat "a freaking superhero."

No, it was not beautiful, it was shitty. To his fellow actors, and all the people who paid a lot of money and took time out of their lives and paid for baby-sitters and parking to see the play he ditched. They'll get their tickets refunded, but not their other expenses. It was just another dick move in a lifetime