Amazed that Sonny Bono rates a "Mr." before his name. I thought they saved that kind of shit for "Miss Diana Ross."
Amazed that Sonny Bono rates a "Mr." before his name. I thought they saved that kind of shit for "Miss Diana Ross."
Good point. I was wondering the same thing. Generally, most people don't have to be forced to engage in sex (especially teenagers). I would imagine that with societal encouragement of "free love" and pregnancy, whether with or without marriage, enough people of all ages would be gleefully jumping in and out of bed…
You know, I don't care if Alex Haley's family was really like that, or even if he was truly descended from Kunta Kinte. I cried like a damn baby at the end when Haley was greeted by all the characters who we'd watched suffer so much. Doesn't matter if it's literally true. Stuff similar to that happened to people…
I would watch that show.
I may be wrong, but I think Elizabeth reached down and got it off the dead man before they left.
That's possible, but I think our dear Liz is cold as ice.
That's what I think, too.
If you really think about it, Phillip is doubly responsible for Gaad's death, because if he hadn't turned Martha in the first place, Gaad wouldn't have been forced to resign, and never would have been approached by the KGB in the first place. Probably.
He was not just making off-color remarks; he said he would "never date a Jewish broad," and said some pretty nasty things.
That reminds me of an audition I went on for a Rick Dees television commercial. Not being informed beforehand of what product was being advertised, I was surprised when the casting director gave me a prompt to improv my reaction to waking up in the morning, and hearing Rick Dees on the radio. I mimed throwing up. I…
Rich Sommer.
Sorry, I'm old. My mind is going…
Just checked the script. I misheard "Brother" when the doc said "Mother." Living in a fool's paradise all these years, I now hang my head in shame.
However, the script did show me that I was right last week when I was arguing with some folks who thought that Norman didn't murder his mother and her boyfriend in the movie. The doc's speech makes it very clear that Norman did the deeds. So I'm one for 2.
Yes, there was. He is discussed but never seen. During the doctor's voiceover at the end when Norman is in the straight jacket, he says how Normn's brother came in from out of town and filled in some of the blanks of the story.
Well,if they're following the movie, Dylan does get out. It's Norman's brother who comes in and explains everything at the end to the doctor, IIRC.
That's Kate Burton, Richard Burton's daughter. Acting is in her genes. She also played Ellis Grey (Meredith's mom) on Grey's Anatomy.
According to what I've been reading, that's exactly what's going on.
And yet, at the end of Friends, when Rachel was moving to Paris for a new job, she was taking Emma with her, with not a word of protest from Ross. Yeah, that always bugged me.
Oh, just wait. The fun is only beginning. There will come a time when you'll look back with fond longing to the days s/he couldn't speak… or roll his/her eyes.