Why was Patricia Arquette wearing a maxi-pad on her dress?
Why was Patricia Arquette wearing a maxi-pad on her dress?
However, when Murnau turned Valentino, he did tell him that in order to accept the gift, he'd have to give up his career. So maybe there is something about vamps - uh, "blood virus-infected people" - that prevents them from being on film, though it's not explicitly stated. If it were just the never growing old…
I can definitely see how you might think that, and it's a valid argument. But honestly, that wasn't what was in my mind at all. I was thinking about his savage beating of her, really, along with the horrible abuse she likely suffered at his hands her whole life long. Some might argue that he had it coming for that…
There were no witnesses to the self-defense angle. Noah and Helen weren't looking at the road - that was the whole point. They would be in no position to verify that Scotty attacked Allison.
Plus, I'd imagine that Cole can count, too. So the fact that he's never even questioned it has always seemed curious to me. Unless he's just pretending not to know, so that he can move on with Luisa. A baby with his ex-wife and current business partner could complicate that.
And not for nothing, but why wouldn't Allison haggle over the crabs? Even if Margaret was paying, I'm sure she got a flat rate from Allison. So buying those crabs cheaper means more money for The Lobster Roll.
Just a couple of points here. They showed that Luisa's mother had worked for Margaret forever, so it's not that far-fetched that she would be invited to the wedding. I didn't know half the people at my wedding - they were my parents' and my in-laws' friends. And as far as the relationship between Helen and Margaret…
Or she really doesn't want to stay and is using others' objections as a way to not hurt his feelings.
When I read the first line of your post, I thought "BICO defender" meant Bill Cosby defender. I was getting all my faux outrage ready for your defense of the alleged serial rapist. Oops.
Totally agree.
Well, that's 3 who saw it. I'm sold. Don't know how I missed it. I've got to stop drinking before I watch this show. It's confusing enough sober.
We don't see, from Noah's perspective, whether he saw Allison or not. They show him reacting to the rustling in the trees, and the scene ends there, in his version. I think that was done in order to put the jaw-dropping Allison/Scotty scene as close to the end as possible. I doubt that it's supposed to indicate that…
That hot tub scene haunts my dreams.
Yeah, but Scotty didn't have any money to invest. He undoubtedly spent all or most of the $37k that he originally had on rehab. And, since Cole and Allison had each put in about a million apiece, it was pretty unreasonable of him to think that they'd just let him in as a partner. The only thing that he showed in…
I literally just rewatched the end of this, and not only does Cole not glare at Allison during the "House of the Rising Sun" rendition, he isn't in the scene at all. Did the reviewer mean to say that Scotty glared at Allison?
It would have been great if Cole had popped out of the bushes and stomped on Scotty's head, too. Then they all 4 could be guilty.
She was sitting next to Paul in the audience. She even had a line! She said it was "curious" that Kiira was nearly dressed, when this wasn't a dress rehearsal. Boy, this show is a hot mess.
It wasn't what I would call rape. It was more like gross, uncomfortable sex. She had agreed to having sex with him, and gave him very specific instructions, which he followed in letter but not spirit. Slate did a good explanation of the scene: http://www.slate.com/blogs/…
That would be DOUG and Wendy Whiner. Unless Doug was killed in a kayaking accident and Wendy married his brother, Paul Whiner.
To be fair, Lucy's dad had it coming. You might even say that killing him was a kindness. He couldn't move a muscle or say a word. He was just stuck in that terrible position of shock forever. Although I imagine that hearing Lucy's full confession must have been agonizing, he might have been grateful as he saw her…