
Really, I thought the same thing. Didn't know you could have fully decorated trees delivered. So I'm gonna say that's what she did. Totally understandable, in light of previously having her home stolen from her, that she would want it restored ASAP. And perhaps for her, a Christmas tree at Christmas means home.

I'd say being able to go into someone's apartment, remove all their possessions, and install them in your own home without their permission is pretty damn coercive, and unconstitutional, to boot. I wouldn't have just aborted his baby; I would have gotten the ACLU on his ass.

He has zero rights because it's not his body. No one has the right to hijack another's body. We have the pain connected with pregnancy and childbirth. For most of us, the pain is outweighed by what to us is a joyous experience. But if that's not the case for any particular woman, no one else has a right to tell

Here's the way I see it: She found out she was pregnant, knew she didn't want to have a baby, and had an abortion. She didn't tell Fitz, because, really, only bad could come of that. He would try to convince her to have the baby, or, worse, try to coerce her into doing so, based on his recent behavior. You either

Seriously, I feel like the rip-off of "The Hunger," in spite of the music choices, which were jaw-droppingly obvious, isn't as bad as the "Shadow of the Vampire" rip. The concept is somewhat similar, but if you recall, in "The Hunger," Catherine Deneuve's lovers were unwillingly and unwittingly turned. Or at least

It's an ancient blood virus, dammit! An ancient blood virus! No vampires here! No sir!

You're right. But that particular movie was also about Murnau and the making of "Nosferatu." In it, Schreck, not Murnau, was the real vampire. Just surprised that Murphy would not only borrow the plot, but use the exact same film.

No worries.

Yeah, they're playing younger. I was surprised to hear Carol refer to herself as being in her 30s. I was thinking at the time, nice try, Cate, but don't think so.

Shocked that none of the whip-smart AVC commenters noticed that Murphy has totally ripped off this plot line from the 2000 movie, "Shadow of the Vampire." In that film, Murnau is making "Nosferatu," and discovers that Max Schrek is, in fact, a vampire IRL. Hilarity ensues. Well, no, not really, but you get the

No, that's The Walking Dead.

If she said she couldn't afford to retire, she was either speaking metaphorically or outright lying. Because she was born into a very wealthy family. So she could have afforded to retire at, like, birth.

Um, she's the daughter of the Simon in Simon & Schuster, so I doubt she needs the dough. That, and the 40 (okay, 20) years of being a star pop singer with multiple platinum records and all.

And a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, just for the randomness of it all.

Cannot. Stop. Laughing.

You should go over to Jezebel, where some posters are puzzled about "clowns in my coffee." That's kept me laughing all day.

"Captain Monologue," LOL. Aside from hating the character, every time Joe Morton launches into one of those patented, chewing the scenery monologues, I have to fight the urge to fast-forward. I hear he's a well-respected actor otherwise, but on Scandal, he is just the worst.

And what was Jake's excuse? And what the hell was Olivia on a about when she said, "I think he's innocent this time"? Innocent of what? He's a mass murderer. Just because he hasn't killed anyone TODAY doesn't make him innocent.

As they should! That's my point! Rowan is a mass murderer. The news that someone is hunting him should be greeted by cries of, "Finally! Thank G-d!"

After all the people that Rowan has killed, I don't understand why, when Olivia revealed that someone was trying to kill her father, everyone's reaction wasn't, And? That's bad why?